Our Local Authority inspector is coming tomorrow morning! I had promised myself I would be calm - I feel we have done so much with him, we have written work to prove it and a big felt board for planning hanging in the bedroom, I really do not think there will be any problems. Yet somehow... It seems just impossible to have everything in place with two kids and births to attend to, and a hope for "life" beyond that, be it only as modest form of "life" as talking to my grandma on the phone once in a while.
So, the stress is there. I threw a fit already, and have to call in my rudimentary Zen practice to calm down...
All in all, our obligations towards the Local Authority are rudimentary. I have to show them that some education is taking place, that the child has learning supplies, and I suppose that want to find out whether the child is happy with this arrangement or not. No doubts here. He has been telling me regularly how glad he is he does not have to be at school. However, if the inspector asks him "where are your paints and brushes?" I bet he will not know, and if asked "What did you do yesterday?", he is likely to answer: "Well, I went to the park and then I watched this movie..." and start retelling the minutia of some cartoon I let him watch after he had done his "homework".
I am also worried because most of his notebooks have stained and creased covers (blee... - a collaboration of the two brothers AND a result of doing work whenever, wherever - on a bus, at lunch... while mummy is making dinner etc etc). It just looks so bad. Yet he does not care nearly as much as I do - a typical boy? All my schoolbooks were neat when I was little, and I took pride in making my own covers for them and decorating the title pages.
Oh well, let me do another Zen breath and hope I shall manage with the basic improvements before tomorrow. Wish us luck!